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Facets Student Workshop

The next FACETS Student Workshop

"Using Python for Computational Neuroscience"

will take place in Freiburg, Germany

June 09 - 13, 2008

This Student Workshop is intended for FACETS members with an
interest in Computational Neuroscience.
For FACETS students (diploma, master and PhD students) (reasonable)
travel expenses and accommodation in twin rooms will be paid for by the
training budget.

Andrew Davison (CNRS Gif sur Yvette)
Jochen Eppler (Honda Research Institute)
Jens Kremkow (CNRS Marseille)
Eilif Muller (EPFL)

Course Description:
This course is intended for students in the Natural Sciences with a
special interest in Computational Neuroscience. The focus is on using
the Python programming language for data analysis and plotting, where
Matlab is used traditionally. The first two days will consist of
introductory lectures and exercises. Python will be explained starting
with simple toy examples going to advanced techniques for data analysis
and visualization. The next two days will provide in-depth tutorials for
modeling spiking neural networks in PyNN (see
http://www.neuralensemble.org/trac/PyNN for details). The course will
finish with a small project by the students.

Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Hansastr. 9A
79104 Freiburg, Germany

June 09 - 13, 2008

Registration deadline is April, 15 2008. The maximum number of
participants is 20. Please register at

Contact for additional information:
Jens Kremkow <kremkow@biologie.uni-freiburg.de>
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