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Vision - from Eye to Cognition

Seminar: Vision - from Eye to Cognition
Instructors: M. Bach, S. Heinrich, J. Kornmeier, F. Moret, A. Aertsen
Location: Department of Ophthalmology, Augenklinik, Killianstr. 5, Room 85
(Please contact us to get a detailed location plan)
Time: Assignment of topics (preparatory meeting): April 29, 2010, 17:15h
Presentations: Weekend, July 9-10, 2010
Contact: sven.heinrich@uni-freiburg.de


Limited number of participants!
The seminar language will be English.

This seminar is intended for advanced students ("Hauptstudium") in the natural sciences with a special interest in the  function of the mammalian brain.

"Usually, we perceive the visual world as stable and unambiguous. This can only be achieved by incorporating previously gained knowledge and adapting to both the current visual situation as well as the prevailing environmental conditions. Visual illusions illustrate some limits of this by probing the visual system beyond its design range.
The seminar will track the processing chain from the eye through the primary visual cortex up to cognition based on selected topics that illustrate basic principles of dynamics and stability. The main focus will be on the human visual system, but other species and theoretical models will be touched upon."


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